Olia Mishchenko

New Drawings

March 11 - April 2, 2005


Some explanatory text ...

"In the other version, neglected as demands suppliers signal boxes. Amassed supply of some materials is accessible in the form of bricks and popcorn. Show nothing at once. Seem made. Risk appropriation. See what is offered knowing there is more to come. More is made by unmaking what the other group builds. Dead modern chairs appraised in the corner by that group. Enough water bottle multiples are transported around the leveled face. What is meant by standards is said to be unimportant. What is not used having a blast.

"Good living conditions are gained by experimentation with surfaces. Ropes are being constantly misused in an attempt at provision of housing. Mass housing built out of the obsessive knowledge of true veneer. Built structures as prototypes of staged reason. Authored as in hurried invention, good living is to expose apparent roles as a job well done. Building so badly, or just not liking it. Awkward runs with useless frames. Any design is a mere coincidence. Similarities in parts are justified by finding confidence in discipline. At a slow rate of careful repetition. Success rate in noticing where brick begins and wood plank ends. Breaking that is maintenance. Bricks collectively, or the material they are made of. Or of any material, or group of materials that returns. Giving up on the ramps, form leads function into the forest. Structurally unchecked, another attempt corresponds to five structures. Know what is being imitated. Brick is intentional. Hope for the knowing feeling of what is meant by fence.

"Make nothing and nothing gets made. Nothing is making it stand. Make it stand. Stand out. To each according to the identical ability to plan to classify strategies. To switch teams once. Decide deciders. Divvy all up. Portion of population left out for picking up pacing. Haircuts prove. Going home, that ramp is a paper clip. Paper clip is the new nail. Jazzy is the new goods. Be interested in good house plant care. Arrangement. High as in fashion. Join materials. Stripes. Shed sheds sheds shed the brick face. To shed light, used with others to make shapes. Face down on the ground. On the ground, whatever is built, is built freely. Build wherever there is to build. Building is, in parts, an excuse to collect. Hoarding things as strategy. Lie unopened. Occasional brick, wood set ripped apart. Many circle brick upon brick. Many circles joined. Derive examples, it could help gain access. Small dictionary of ambition events, brought to leave. Leaving, everyone gets to play at the table. Everyone is really innocent. Take no blame, that is not recycling.

-Olia Mischenko, 2005