Hide and Seek

Mélanie Rocan

new miniature paintings
October 11 - November 9, 2024
Opening Reception Friday October 11, 7-10pm

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek , 2024
acrylic on wood
5 ⁹⁄₁₀ x 4 ¼ x ½ inches

To view images of the exhibition, please click here.

Hide and Seek is a series of 26 acrylic paintings on wood in miniature scale, all from 2024. This body of work depicts the female figure in various natural environments, either in contemplation, searching for something, trying to find an escape or hiding behind veils and natural elements.

With all the figures in my paintings there is an inner quest to hide within and to seek, and a self-reflection that touches on a spiritual level. Hide and Seek represents a journey within the soul to seek spiritual wisdom from within, and the understanding of knowledge that comes from one’s inner self and the divine force around us. Quiet moments spent alone give us the ability to see beyond the material world and to understand the interconnectedness of all things. Not only are the figures in that space of contemplation, but I also hope to pull the viewer in to look carefully at the miniature scale with an intimate and quiet gaze. The rendering of this new body of work is important. I want to capture in fine detail the essence and gesture of the subjects. I want to consider a balance of miniature marks in relation to more gestural flowing paint. I believe that my experience painting in large format has given me the ability to allow freedom of gesture while I paint, and to pay attention to this harmony.

For me, the act of painting and being in nature creates a space of peace and healing that allows me to be able to deal with mental and emotional struggles and social anxieties. Painting allows me to create work that focuses on the instinctive state of the mind—the ups and downs, the beautiful and the ugly, the good and the bad, the battle of overcoming the shadows of difficulty and grief and allowing ease and joy to exist. In my work I wanted to focus on sources of light, reflections and patterns which are symbolic of the spiritual transformation of one’s inner reflections and outwardly meditative visions.

Some of the veiled figures are inspired by the weeping statues that I was able to experience in Paris, France at the Pere Lachaise cemetery and other locations around the city. The figures in my work are often frozen in a statue state, caught in a moment in time. I have always had an interest in cemeteries, ever since as a young child I had to walk through a cemetery to get to school every morning in the small town where I grew up in Manitoba. For me, cemeteries are a place for contemplation, sacred spaces that prompt quiet meditation and where the silence whispers volumes about life and death.

-- Mélanie Rocan, 2024