The Shadow of the Sun
Ross Bleckner, Zachari Logan
Kenderdine/College Galleries, Saskatoon, SK
October 5 - December 15, 2018

The Shadow of the Sun: Ross Bleckner and Zachari Logan is an imaginative pairing that will highlight the artists’ very different but linked representations of nature and transcendence. On a deeper level, they share an inter-generational investigation, manifested most recently in collaborative artworks addressing shared notions of visibility/invisibility, sexuality, selfhood, the fragility of love and the omnipresence of decay and death. Curated by Wayne Baerwaldt and Leah Taylor.
In Conversation: Ross Bleckner, Zachari Logan &
Alison Norlen + Joseph R. Wolin
Remai Modern, Sasktel Theatre
Tuesday, Oct 9 - Doors At 7:00pm, Conversation At 8:00pm
The University of Saskatchewan Permanent Art Collection & College Art Galleries are located on the first and ground floor of the College Building.
College Building
107 Administration Place
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK Canada S7N 5A2
Hours: Tuesday - Friday 11:00 - 4:00
For more information please visit