Solo Exhibitions
2024 |
2022 |
- In Flux, POPOP Gallery, Montreal, Qc
- Dans la Nature, Projet Y, Wentworth-Nord, Qc
2021 |
- La Nature d'Oka, Oka National Park, Oka, Qc
2020 |
- Ellos de Espalda, Gallery POPOP, Montreal, Qc
2019 |
- Cuando Te Miro, Me Enfrento A Mi Mismo, Espacio Morales, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2018 |
- Comprar Me Aburre, Vender Me Cansa, Espacio Metáfora, Santiago, Chile
- Lo Que Sueño No Lo Imagino, Panal 361, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Filiation, CDEx, UQAM, Montreal, Qc
2016 |
- Regards d'Architectes, Maison de l'Architecture du Québec, Montreal, Qc
2012 |
- Souvenirs, Armory Cultural Center, Sommerville, MA
2011 |
- Victoria, Villa Victoria Center for the Arts Gallery, Boston, MA
2010 |
- Familiar Faces, Gallery 360, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
2009 |
- In Transition, University Church Gallery, Cambridge, MA
- The Unseen, Chimera Gallery, Nashua, NH
2007 |
- Expressions, Willoughby & Baltic Gallery, Somerville, MA
1999 |
- Indenpence Day, Northampton, MA
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 |
- Art Toronto, Paul Petro Contemporary Art, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto
- Watershed, Paul Petro Contemporary Art, Toronto
- Foire Plural, Paul Petro Contemporary Art, Grand Quay, Old Port of Montreal
2023 |
- Positive Masculinity, Maison Depoivre Gallery, Picton, ON
- No Direction ; Home, Mes Pants de Queer, Motnreal, QC
- Postcards from the Edge, Ortuzar Projects, New York, NY
2022 |
2020 |
- Salon des Refusés, McBride Contemporain, Montreal, Qc
- Overall There Is No Wall, Spacee 321, New York, NY
- Peripheral Hours IV, Si Proche Si Loin, Montreal, Qc
2019 |
- Peripheral Hours III, Site of the Not Yet, Montreal, Qc
- A Montreal State of Mind, Local Project, LIC, New York, NY
- Musée de Carlton, ArtSouterrain, Montreal, Qc
2018 |
- Patria Dulce, Fonda New York, New York, NY
- Passeport, Dare-Dare, Montreal, Qc
- Voyage, Canadian Lesbian + Gay Archives, Toronto, ON
- Garage, École Européenne Supérieure de l'Image, Poitiers, France
- Précarité, ArtSouterrain, Montreal, Qc
2017 |
- 10-1 pour 7, CDEx, UQAM, Montreal, Qc
- Bully, Daniel Spectrum, Toronto, ON
2016 |
- Scène de Vie, L'Espace Contemporain, Montreal, Qc
2015 |
- SalonEsque, MAI Gallery, Montreal, Qc
2014 |
- Libre, Village Éphemère, Montreal, Qc
2013 |
- Crime Idéal, Park (ing) day, Montreal, Qc
- Belvédère du Vent, Village Éphemère, Montreal, Qc
2012 |
- Saint-Lambert Art Fair, Montreal, Qc
- Benefit Summer Auction, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
2011 |
- Chain Letter, Samsøn Projects, Boston, MA
- España, Real Colegio Complutense, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
2010 |
- America Remixed, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
2009 |
- 6th Juried Exhibition, Tufts University Gallery, Medford, MA
- Armory ART Start!, Armory Cultural Center, Somerville, MA
2007 |
- Summer, Baak Gallery, Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA
2000 |
- Earth Bound, Hampden Gallery, UMass, Amherst, MA