1993 |
- Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto, ON
Painting course with Tom Dean
1989 |
- Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto, ON
Advanced Standing / Graduate: Experimental Arts
1984 |
- Emily Carr College of Art and Design, Vancouver, BC
Summer mural photography course with Barrie Jones
1983 |
- York University, North York, ON
Structure of Language and Film History
1979-81 |
- Emily Carr College of Art and Design, Vancouver, BC
Interdisciplinary Studies and Art History
1979 |
- Emily Carr College of Art and Design, Vancouver, BC
Painting course with Alan Wood
2005 |
- Globe and Mail, 'Ersatz Nature', March 18, Gary Michael Dault
2003 |
- Cmagazine, 'tablueau vivant 1995-2000', Spring 2001, John Armstrong
2000 |
- Globe and Mail, 'New Kids on the Block', November 4, Blake Gopnik
1998 |
- Toronto Life, 'Gentle Provocateur', June 1998, Kyo Maclear
1996 |
- Globe and Mail, October 5, Gary Michael Dault
1995 |
- Artery, Fall, Phil Anderson