Ron Loranger
September 1 - 15 , 2009
Ron Loranger has been painting pools of watercolour for just over ten years and this summer with the intense humidity the evaporation time doubled. This gave him more time for colour play. After having taken already 5 months to debate the palette he made these Blobettes these pastilles, oblongs as you may call them smaller. Having taken them full circle. Medium ,large huge and now little. The things we occupy ourselves with,eh?
Ron Loranger has been painting pools of watercolour for just over ten years and this summer with the intense humidity the evaporation time doubled. This gave him more time for colour play. After having taken already 5 months to debate the palette he made these Blobettes these pastilles, oblongs as you may call them smaller. Having taken them full circle. Medium ,large huge and now little. The things we occupy ourselves with,eh?