Sarah Kernohan

In This Area

September 15-28


Paul Petro Special Projects Space is pleased to present In This Area, an exhibition of new drawings by Sarah Kernohan that will be on display in Toronto from September 16 to 28, 2008.

Kernohan's drawings open up the surfaces of small organic objects, exploding them to create landscapes. Here, the act of drawing and viewing become immersive activities, where the drawn line is a record of that encounter. The drawings presented by In This Area examine not only the surfaces of these objects, but the hidden layers beneath them.

With an opening reception on September 20 at 7pm, In This Area runs from September 16th to 28th. Paul Petro Special Projects Space will be open from 11 am - 5 pm Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays and by special appointment for the duration of the exhibition.

Kernohan has exhibited her work in Canada, Europe, New Zealand, and the United States. She won the best drawing (2007) and best student drawing awards (2007, 2008) at the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, and will be included in the Magenta Foundation's upcoming book Carte Blanche Vol. 2: Painting. She is a recent graduate of the Ontario College of Art and Design and is currently based in Kitchener, Ontario. Visit for more information.